Friday, March 31, 2017

The Sick Life

The Sick Life

So for the last month I have been sick. It all started with what I thought was a typical cold. It was your normal coughing and sneezing, a bit of a runny and stuffy nose. I was constantly drinking tea with honey in it I stopped drinking my love (beer) for about a week or so. After the sneezing subsided I broke out into coughing fits especially at night. my throat wasn't sore but my chest seemed to be congested and I was always tired. About 2 weeks later I went to my psychiatrist and she upped one of my medications that is supposed to help me lose weight and warned me that upping it from 50 milligrams twice a day to 100 milligrams twice a day may make me feel sick. She wasn't exaggerating. I don't know if this is because of the meds or not but at night when I lay down to go to bed and throughout the night my throat fills up with vomiting like acids and I get the constant urge to vomit. That's been going on for the last few weeks though but for the last week or so I have been vomiting more often and the last week i've vomited maybe 3 or 4 times. It's horrible! My 4 year old son laughs and says "ha-ha you're sick" and mocks my vomiting sounds which makes me feel even worse and at times guilty. I'm not throwing up on purpose. In the late night/Very Early morning I vomited in my bed because I didn't make it to the bathroom. I took a shower because I got vomit in my hair and had work in the morning and then I changed the sheets. I now have twice as much laundry to get done when I get home from work. Unfortunately I'm under an Independent Contract at work so I don't get paid sick days. If I want a full pay check, I have to work those hours. It's a bit of a con of my employment. I'm starting to think I will never get better. I won't really get to relax this weekend either because we have so much going on. This royally sucks!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Set The Record Straight

Set The Record Straight

Now my parents (particularly my mom) got on my case yesterday regarding some things. They always were big about what people think about them. They always cared what people think and how their reputations go down. Now me on the other hand (pardon my oncoming french) I just don't give a fuck. Now my mom said that my former foster brothers talk trash about me online and honestly I have them blocked on social media and I couldn't care less what they say or think about me unless they're doing it around my 4 year old son. Like I had put out on a social media status message them trash talking me in any form, for me is like a bag of garbage calling a beautiful flower ugly. It has no value to it. so what? Every other life form finds that flower magnificent and that garbage is left alone with a ridiculous unvalidated opinion. The flower is egged on and reassured by so many other beings that the trash's opinion is pretty much pointless. That's pretty much where I'm at. I'm the flower in this case. I have many friends and coworkers who think I'm awesome and believe I'm an awesome and funny person. They see me as a good friend and a good mother who is trying hard. They see me as a hard worker so... so who cares what these few what, 14 to 16 year olds say? My parents think I talk trash about them and thanks to this mole who's been telling them all my business by reading my blog and reporting all it's contents. My blog is on the internet and i'd suggest you'd (to the mole in particular) educate yourself. There's something called Freedom of Speech. It's in the constitution under the First Amendment. you should google it. Here let me spell it out for you. It's kind of like how Snoop Dog made that Music Video shooting that clown representing Donald Trump. Trump can't take legal action because Snoop was expressing Freedom Of Speech even though Donald Trump took offense to what was portrayed. Now not everyone is going to like what is said about them, that's just life but I don't make up fan-fiction I write the truth about what is going on in my life. If you can't handle it don't read my blog. Don't go running to my parents like a 9 year old just to secure a $20 dollar "borrowing" amount every couple weeks. I don't go putting all your family's business on my blog do I? I don't go putting all my parents other business out there only when it affects me or my life or my successions. I'm a blogger, and guess what bloggers do with a personal blog? blog about their lives! Thank you and have a miserable life! I believe in karma if i'm doing such a horrible thing to my parents karma will find me and it will sure as hell find you sooner or later.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A Shot At Love

A Shot At Love

I've given up on men for a while but there was one guy I had been talking to for years. We'll call him Lumber-Jack due to the huge beard he carries on his chin and to protect his privacy he remains to stay anonymous. Now I met Lumber-Jack on an app called Whisper around four years ago. We hit it off pretty well and our conversation was relatively flirtatious. The thing was we could hold normal conversations. We would keep tabs on each other on an app called Voxer where we would send each other short verbal messages or texts while he jogged or was at work. We would go in silent mode for months at at time but then out of nowhere iI'd randomly hear from him again. I'd tell him about family troubles at home or about horrible encounters or relationship problems. He was always very easy to talk to. He always seemed to keep his to himself. He was always pretty private. He may be a little annoyed that i'm writing this. Sorry babe I'm a blogger and that's what I do blog about my life you just so happen to be my inspiration this point in time so forgive me. He's always had a bit of a crush on me and I still don't seem to know why. I'm over weight, I have no way with words I'm not at all graceful or photogenic even though my best friend will tell you different, though I think she'd agree with me on my way with words (I've hurt her feelings with how I've said things quite a few times) I'm just not seeing what he's seeing). Might I mention He lives in another state? Sorry not gonna disclose that either. I've told him I'm not interested in sex and though I've hurt his feelings in that I've made him feel better by also disclosing it's not just him, I'm not interested in Magic Mike star Channing Tatum or Christian Grey either I'm just not a Sexual person at all. I told him I'd understand if he couldn't handle talking to me anymore after all my problems I've laid on him. Which he says is "no biggie". Most guys would have gone running in the other direction with that disclosure. I told him how I went to the local Urgent Care clinic yesterday and was diagnosed with Bronchitis and they suspect Neuropathy i both of my legs as well, he just told me "I'm so sorry" he's told me in the past he cares deeply for me and other things he'd probably wish for me not to disclose. I used to hate his lumberjack beard but after all the problems he's stuck with me through I don't find it a problem anymore and I could very well think he could be my "one" like in a fairy-tale. I'm just afraid after all the losers who have hurt me and who have taken advantage of and who have beaten my heart down to a pulp it's not capable of giving to someone actually deserving. He wants to take a flight to visit me sometimes soon and he's not even expecting anything physical, he's hoping as any man would it's just a brain functioning mechanism thing but he's not expecting it to. He is even open to a relationship forming and that it's my call. So we'll see what happens I guess,

Wednesday, March 22, 2017



One thing I tend to be very good at is putting things off and procrastinating. I start college in May and still have a lot to do to get ready. My roller backpack came in the mail yesterday. It wasn't the one I fell in love with but that's because it was no longer available. I put off my pre-placement test, taking care of my FAFSA, calling the IRS for my 2015 Tax Transcript, and taking my placement test(s). I feel awful and now I'm feeling overwhelmed and stressed out which I know is my own damn fault for putting it off. Today I have an appointment with my psychiatrist and one thing I did remember was the outline from the Access Office for the information they need from her for me to be eligible for their services. I remembered to pack the guideline in my purse last night. Now lets just hope I remember to give it to my psychiatrist along with my counselor's email at my appointment today. Also my mother bought a new printer which is coming in the mail today so I'll be able to complete the pre-test at home instead of making a trip to the library. It's only a matter of getting the motivation to do it. Then I have to go to the Eastern Campus of my college to actually take the placement exam. which will be time consuming. I have to get everything figured out with the Financial Aid Office and buy my supplies and enroll in my classes, I'm afraid I might not be able to begin college until the fall because of my recklessness and procrationation. Not that it would be a horrible outcome. I'd be able to start a regular school year and work at a normal pace but my biggest fear is by then I'd be unmotivated to even attend and further my career. I'm in desperate need of a giant shove in the right direction and some inspirational support. I need to get these things accomplished. I'd feel much better like a weight has been lifted. I know deep down I want to do this and get my son and I into a better living situation and a better more stable future for ourselves but it's just bringing myself to the reality of pushing myself to take the first steps to get there. I'm so lazy and I hate it.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Big Girls Have Standards Too You Know?

Big Girls Have Standards Too You Know?

So there's a lot of assumptions about bigger women and even men. They're bigger. yes, and? Well i'm a heavier set person. 

This is me

Now my best friend showed me a chat of a guy harassing her because she just doesn't want him. yes, she is a bigger girl as well. Do you really think just because we're bigger girls we have to want whatever guy wants us? No. Just like all the pretty skinny little model looking girls a lot of shallow guys chase after, bigger girls have what they like and what they don't like. let me lay down my type for you. In a perfect world my type would be muscular build with little to no facial hair i'll survive a goatee, Green eyes, blonde or black hair and at least 5'10" that is my perfect guy. now seeing as i'm 268lbs (most of it in my chest, thighs, and ass... some in my stomach as you can see from the above image) unless I lose a nice 133lbs, that's unlikely to happen. My more realistic type would be average body and at least 5'9" and I suppose I could put up with facial hair as long as there is a connection but i'm also looking for personality traits like funny, responsible, romantic, attentive. The point is being that this stereotype people tend to have for us bigger people "they should take what they could get" or "why do they have any standards?" is just ridiculous! We have standards because we know what we like just like any of you. you don't like bigger women, you don't like black women, you don't like tall women, you don't like women with big chests, you don't like blondes. it's all a matter of preference and bigger men and women are allowed to have theirs as well. so next time you see a bigger woman hitting on a man who you think is out of her league don't think "ha! she needs to lower her standards!" try thinking "I hope he's into that kind of woman" and If a woman isn't into you well sorry big or not she's just not that into you bro. CHEERS!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Shopaholic or Impulsive Shopper?

Shopaholic Or Impulsive Shopper?

So I've been told I'm a shopaholic by friends and family. But could I just be an Impulsive shopper? Luckily I haven't gotten into too much trouble with my spending. I've controlled myself enough to not get caught up in maxing out more than 2 cards. Which thank you to the US Treasury releasing my Income Tax Return, I have finally paid off. I just paid it off two days ago and already spent another $200 on one of my cards. I still have $100 left of my Tax Return to replace it and reorganized my budget so I can pay the rest of the balance off in about a month as long as I buy nothing else (good luck to me with that) that is not needed or in my budget. I got to thinking with my latest purchases though. are some of the things things I even need or are they Impulsive buys? I recently bought my mom a 6-in-1 stereo system with a Bluetooth player and turn table for the vacation home which I had promised her I would buy her and I always try to keep good on my promises. Some of the other things however make me wonder. I bought a 128GB memory card for my new phone before I even ordered my phone and the case even arrived the day I first ordered my phone. I was downright set on what phone I was getting. were those practical buys? How about the 1TB Portable hardrive I purchased because I was running out of space on my other ones with all the content I had on it? I suppose that one makes sense. but this one gets me. I bought two, not one, two build-a-bear work shop bears online for myself including their outfits. I had gotten the Belle and Beast inspired Beauty and The Beast bears that are popular right now. What do I intend to do with them? stick them on my bookshelf with my other treasured stuffed animals and claim to my parents that I got the Beast one for my son Tristan (Maury determined that was a lie). They really were a pointless fandom purchase.

I  buy a lot of crap honestly I bought earphones and earphones caps that I was only going to use until a different pair of earphones came and other things like that. I go to the Library where they have a little book shop there and buy books I'll probably never read but only because I like the smell of old paper. I like to buy jewelry I will never wear or only wear once. I once bought really neat eye-shadow from an online retailer and only used one of them on one occasion and spent $50 on the makeup. Now that I think about it. it's a very annoying habit to have and is probably a reason why I'm single other than because I'd prefer to be at this point in life. Do you ever sit there and ponder your habits or things you don't like about yourself? I'm a great person and have plenty of amazing qualities... this just isn't one of them.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

A Good Person!

A Good Person!

In the wake of my somewhat depressing post I have had an anonymous comment and I will quote it below.

"You are never a burden not now when you are sad and miserable not when you are happy and excited not when you miss your meds. You are a good mom, a good person, a great friend. You are loved it can't tell you that it's by everyone you want but your children love you and I love you. Don't ever forget you are needed and cherished and loved." - Anonymous 

Now I don't know who you are but this had gotten me thinking. You are right! I am a damn good person! I am human and all humans are in need of improvement in one way or another. perhaps my parents just don't appreciate me. They never will and you know what? it's their loss really. I try to be a good friend, I know even that can use a little improvement at times. I have been blessed with many friends and people who accept me as the messed up person that I am and don't expect any more from me. If  I was such a bad person as my parents like to claim, why do I have so many good friends? some I went to high school with and are always willing to lend an ear whenever I need to vent. Sure I don't go out much but I work and I am a single mother and soon I will be attending college so not really the time and I don't care to try and date.

I do good deeds at work. My co-worker Susan is always really nice to me, she'll lend me money for lunch whenever i'm hungry and at times without expecting to have the money returned to her. I had bought her a coffee mug because she didn't have one at work she always took her coffee in styrofoam cups so I told her "one day i'm going to buy you a coffee mug" I also told her this morning that I would like to buy lunch for her today. They were both tokens of appreciation. I call out whenever she wants to order and I don't ask for anything in return. I even pick up all the food from across the street every thursday for everyone who orders from the department.

I offer to do things to help out around the house since my parents are older (not that they appreciate it apparently) it's not like my brother ever offers to lend a hand. I take trash that's collecting in the house to the garage or take it out on Monday Evenings, I occasionally do the dishes or at least put them away. I sweep up messes on the floor that my son makes When i'm asked to do something, I do it and all I get back is backlash and how I don't do anything.

My brother and I took my puppy to the local shelter last Monday to get Spayed and I offered to buy him breakfast just because he had to wake up early to take me. I was going to buy myself a coffee but then I got a craving for a Sausage McGriddle so I asked him if he was hungry. I had no catches. We were already on our way and he wanted to stop to use the bathroom.

I try to keep good relationships with my biological family, at least those who care to have a relationship anyway. I've found ways to bond with both my aunt and my uncle on my birth father's side. I talk occasionally to one of my maternal cousins which I will admit I could talk to more. Like I said, I'm human and need improvement. My aunt and I bond over things like travel and ancestry while my uncle and I bond over just being silly and gutter-minded we share laughs and jokes.

I feel for animals. I'm a bit of an animal lover and hate to see animals suffer. I felt so bad when I picked up my fur-daughter from the shelter. She was so weak and drowsy I cuddled her and held her close the whole way home. The TV commercials about donating to animal societies always make me tear up and if I could afford the $19 or so a month i'd totally sign up to become a donor.

I'm full of love and life, I can take a joke and you always see me laughing at myself. I take my mental illness seriously but lightly at the same time. I'm always making jokes that I have premature Alzheimer's when I lose something such as my e-cigarette. I love my puppy and son unconditionally. I know i'm not the best mom but I love my boy with my whole heart and he's my everything. I love to cuddle with him and give him kisses and watch him flourish and grow. He's so smart and handsome, i'd like to think I had a hand in that somewhere. I love my friends and they love me and all my craziness and I wear my heart on my sleeve all the time.

I don't waste anything I hate to throw stuff out whether it's food or art my son made or anything sentimental. I still even have art my son Gabriel made me when he was three years old. he's almost eight now. i'm a very sentimental person. I eat all the food I take at meals because I hate wasting food. might be why i'm kinda on the chubby side haha!

Overall I would say i'm a pretty damn good person so if people can't see it, that's their own damn problem not mine.

The Truth of The Deceived

The Truth of The Deceived

So the honesty was revealed by my father yesterday. Even though I thought I had accomplished so much this last weekend, my father and I got into a fight and he told me I did absolutely nothing. I was crushed. I admired my father and thought we were close but it turned out to be a string of a lie, and he played his part very well. I was so pained that I went into another room and began to cry. I was so hurt by his words to me, I had went up into my room, leaned against the door so no one could enter, and used my blade to cut my arms. I had gone over 2 years without cutting before that point and I am not suicidal by any means and have no intention to kill myself. I do have thoughts that maybe just doing myself in would make life easier for everyone around me. My husband would be a widower and could remarry without having to worry about me getting any visits with our son Gabriel, My parents would have a stupid burden lifted, and my friends wouldn't have to deal with my complaining and venting all the time. My 4 year old son wants nothing to do with me 90% of the time and my parents don't understand my mental illnesses or what I struggle with every day. How hard it is to even get out of bed every morning to go to work. how to come come and even be on the same floor as them and not lock myself away in my room with my phone, laptop, and alcohol and waste away day by day. I don't hear them telling my sister or brother what horrible people they are, only me. They are only extremely hard on me or at least have the decency not to do it where the whole neighborhood can hear it. I guess they just prefer to humiliate me. I put my hoodie back on after cutting up my arms and went back downstairs to get my beer. No one had known what had happened and the first thing my father had said to me is "go into another room, I don't even want to look at you" So I went back into the craft room which is off the kitchen hallway and began to cry again and posted on Facebook and reached out to a few of my best friends which are more family-like than my actual (excuse my french) fucking family. I asked my mother to take my son and me to a shelter that I couldn't take the mental abuse anymore and she claimed I wasn't getting mentally abused and refused to take us. so I showed her my arms and told her that that was what mental abuse causes me to do. She called me silly and stupid for what I had done. I told her I was truely miserable and went back into the craft room and cried a 3rd time. I ate and took my puppy and son and we went to bed.

This morning I barely spoke to my parents. I got ready for work as I always do and drank my coffee in silence only acknowledging my son as he pretended he was a puppy and was trying to get my attention I responded with hey puppy-boy and petted his head as he was on all fours and that was the response he wanted. I told him I loved him as 7:55 AM came I left the house without a single goodbye to anyone. I feel so numb inside like my heart has been shredded into a million pieces, I doubt I will talk to them when I get home as well. I don't know how long it will go on but I feel betrayed by people I thought I was supposed to be able to trust because they're "family" what is family anymore anyway? I don't believe this is how family is supposed to work.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Long Road Ahead

The Long Road Ahead

Today my mom is going to help me fill out my 2016/2017 FAFSA for College Financial Aid. I haven't figured it out myself because I haven't completely learned to read Tax Reports. OOPS! Well that part will be pretty simple because I just need a few income numbers for 2015. I have to remember my ID and password as well which i'll figure out after completing this blog entry.

Another thing I still need to do is to call the IRS about my 2015 IRS Tax Transcript. I really have no idea what that even is, but I need that too. So I suppose i'll take care of that Monday morning since I don't have work. I'm at a crunch line now since classes begin in May.

I also scheduled a Campus Tour for April 3rd at 5:00 PM It's my Nephew's birthday but I figured him and his mom will kinda just be doing their own thing that day anyway and it's not like he cares for me very much to begin with. I'm excited about the tour I've only seen the lobby and the hallway going to the Learning Center where I will probably be spending a lot of me time at tutoring and taking exams. I saw they had a cute little cafe area with vending machines and I thought it'd be a nice place to study and drink coffee. I now also know where the access office is if I ever need their assistance and to get my accommodation letters for classes.

Last thing I have to do is my Prep-Test so I can go in and take the Placement Test(s) which I will have to do at the Library since we do not have a working printer at home thanks to no ink or my son (not sure which). I have to get my financial aid in order to I can enroll in class and buy my school supplies and required text books, I have so much to do in so little time I can't help but feel anxious and a little overwhelmed but at least i'm very excited!

Another Day In The Life of Me

Another Day In The Life of Me

So my mother, sister, and my son got back from the vacation home yesterday and as soon as I saw my mother and sister the depression hit me. I went into the house and grabbed a beer. I'm trying not to drink too much for a couple of reasons. 1. it's very unhealthy. and 2. I can only afford the little beer I have at home, I have no money to buy more beer. My mom gave my son a bath when I haven't gotten to shower yet and he was in there for over an hour just playing with the water and the faucet. She came downstairs and told me to sit with him for 15 more minutes. Since I hadn't taken a shower yet and he was just playing with the water anyway and had been in there for a long time, I had told him to get out of the tub in which case he threw his toys at me. I got angry and made him get out of the tub. As soon as he started crying my mother comes upstairs saying "that wasn't nice, you could've sat with him for 15 more minutes" I had told her "He's been in there a long time already and other people need to take showers, I hadn't had a shower yet" It was almost 7 at that point and his bed time is around 8:00 - 8:30 PM she replied "oh poor you" so I got aggravated and stomped down the stairs and told her I wish she had stayed in port clinton because I was happier when she was there. It was true, I was. I did all the laundry, I only drank a little and it wasn't the first thing I did when I got home. in fact I had a few seltzer waters sitting by the stairs and would chose a water to drink over drinking beer. I did the dishes multiple times a day because I felt there were never enough to fill the dishwasher, I swept up the kitchen, I soaked the counter mats, I picked up the living-room. I didn't complain, and I even cooked a meal for my father and myself Monday evening. I was temporarily cured of my substantial depression for a few days. I felt confident and like an independent adult, like my father and I were a team. My mother comes home and immediately takes over parenting my son. I had told her. "i'm the bad parent and you're the good parent and I wonder who is the parent even anymore". I'm tired that she takes over parenting my son. and blocks me out. when he's crying she'll hold him and when I try to get him she won't let me take him and other things like that. My father is well aware of what she does but won't confront her about it unless they're both drunk. He tries to avoid arguments when he's sober and will just agree with everything she says so she will stop. I got so pissed-off after I stomped downstairs and vented to my father I isolated myself in the craft room which is off the kitchen hallway and closed the door and began blasting Rob Zombie songs as loud as my laptop speakers would let me. Was I wrong for getting upset? I know I was wrong for telling her she should have stayed in Port Clinton because I was happier without her, even though it was true according to my mental health discovery. I'll take full responsibility for that but, what would you do in a similar situation if your mother was trying to take over raising the one thing that means anything to you in the dark world you live in? About an hour after the argument everything went back to normal we made jokes we talked about other topics. and she offered to help me with my FAFSA for college the next day after I get home from work. I guess she doesn't really take the mean things I say too close to heart (thankfully).

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Weekend Bliss

Weekend Bliss

With how perfect this weekend was, you'd think I was living in a world like in the above image. Sadly no, I was at home with my father. the blissful portion was I discovered something about myself and my bi-polar triggers. I am nearly cured when my sister and my mother go out of town. How, do you ask? I get way more done! Shall I elaborate? Well... My mother and sister took my nephew Julian to our vacation home in Port Clinton, Ohio from Friday to Sunday. In that time I manage to get my laundry done as well as all the laundry in the house, I also cleaned up the kitchen and swept the floor and did the dishes and soaked the counter mats. I woke up one morning feeling completely refreshed and before even having a cup of coffee I managed to do a load of laundry and washed a decent amount of dishes by hand because I felt that there were never really enough to load the dishwasher so why waste the water and the time waiting for it to finish? I overall felt happier.

My father and I see eye-to eye on a lot of things these days and we don't fight unless we've both been drinking too much in which case it's whatever because both our memories are fuzzy in the morning and it's easy to forgive and forget. My father treats me like an adult and thanks me for things I do. However when my sister and mother are around I'm feeling depressed and annoyed 90% of the time, My sister is very nosy and attached to my mother at the hip even though she's almost 35 years old. and my mother treats me like an irresponsible child. It takes me three days to get through my own load of laundry from washed to folded and you can forget about me cooking or cleaning. Sunday morning I had swept the floor, given my son a bath, did the dishes and finished the laundry all before my mother and sister got home to pick him up on Sunday afternoon. My father even showed his gratitude for the work I had done, I worked so hard on the household chores from Friday to Sunday sweeping up the floors he wanted me to sweep, straightening out the living-room area and such, that he ultimately didn't make me do a damn thing on Monday. He offered to do the dishes and made my brother take out the trash so I wouldn't have to. I spent the day listening to music, burning movies, and downloading games onto my laptop since my son was gone Sunday afternoon until Tuesday morning and my poor fur-daughter Pessa was at the animal shelter getting Spayed and was gone most of the day. I even made an easy meal for my father and I Monday night. I didn't have anyone being rudely sarcastic to me, showing me they had no faith that I could do the right thing, It was a blissful weekend.

Pretty much what I have discovered about myself is that I am able to be independent under the right circumstances and in the right environment. I'm not sure if it's my meds or it's because I was liberated of the negative energy for a few well needed days. It was mentally freeing and I am looking forward to the next time they go out of town to spend even more one-on-one time with my father.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Beauty And The Beast

Beauty And The Beast

image courtesy of Google Images

So There's already many controversies circulating around the 2017 release of the live-action adaptation of Disney's Beauty And The Beast. It has driven up wildfire from "Emma isn't wearing a corset dress?" "Mrs. Pott's face is on the side of the pot as opposed to the front like in the original?" "I don't like how they did chip" and now it's "Le Fou is gay?" What is Disney doing? There is a battle between is Emma Watson worthy enough to be the NEXT iconic Belle. I believe they did a bang-up job with a star studded cast with talents such as Ewan McGreggor (Lumiere), Kevin Klein (Maurice), Emma Thompson (Mrs. Potts), Luke Evans (Gaston), Emma Watson (Belle), Ian McKellan (Cogsworth), and Stanley Tucci (Cadenza) who was a character in Beauty and The Beast Enchanted Christmas also known as Forte.

The Corset Dress: What are corset dresses? they really just give you a ridiculously skinny inhuman waisteline in my opinion and you know what? I applaud Emma for refusing to wear one! Belle is a heroine in her own right she brings the beast back to humanity that he has lost from the years of anger and solitude. There are many physical demands in her role and she is being an idol for young girls by making a statement. you are beautiful just the way you are. you don't have to change your body to fit societies standards, make society fit yours. way to go Emma Watson for making a stand!

Mrs. Potts' New Look: Now as for Mrs. Pott's new fashion statement I suppose it was difficult figuring out how you were going to make it more realistic but how many faces do you see on tea pots? I think they should have kept the same charm as in the animated version with Mrs. Potts personally. The side of the pot face just doesn't fit to me. it doesn't make sense in any way as is as an enchanted prop or not they should of kept the original element to the character. however, I believe Emma Thompson will execute the role of Mrs. Potts very well.

Chip's New Bravado: Unlike Mrs. Potts, I liked Chip's makeover. He actually looks like he has the soul of a child stuck inside of a chipped teacup. It's creepy in a way yet very satisfying at the same time. Nathan Mack was a good choice for this role, he's still innocent to the realms of the Hollywood hooks and has a bright future ahead of him. I'm excited to see what he brings to the table.

Le Fou's Sexuality: This is the newest conflict out. who cares if Le Fou is gay? He's not a prime character and to be honest I always thought the cartoon one was gay also. I commend Disney for going this route but couldn't they have done it with a more superior character? don't get me wrong I loved Le Fou and I'm curious to see how Josh Gad lightens up the room with his comedic overture. Does this have something to do with the man behind the character? kind of makes you think for a moment. I love the LGBT community so for this statement to come out gives me a better trust in Disney and what they might do in the future of movies It's about time there were maybe a gay prince or princess don't you think Disney?

Is Emma Watson Worthy Of The Belle Title?: I say, ABSOLUTELY! Emma Watson is a strong outspoken woman, she looks innocent but she will attack if threatened. she has a strong will about her as does the animated Disney princess we know and love so dearly. I greatly believe belle would be the sort to stand up for women's rights and refuse corset dresses that promote a specific body image. In the animated film Belle had a strong yet feminine and sensitive voice. I think Emma reverberates that perfectly as does her singing it's soft and sensitive and brings out another side to the character that Emma made her own. All I can say is before you jump up and say "Anne Hathaway (who is too old for the part) should've been casted as Belle, give Emma a chance, she just may surprise you!

I'm very excited to see this adaptation of one of my all-time favorite childhood Disney movies. I hope the star studded cast doesn't disappoint and all the skeptics can rest easy and enjoy the film without the backlash after the premier.