The Vegan Life of Me, Myself, & I
In June I had been reading a book called "Skinny Bitch" It was a no bullshit book about eating habits and there was a chapter that went into graphic detail about how animals are treated at slaughterhouses. I decided right then and there I was done eating animal products. This includes all meat, eggs, seafood, milk, honey, and any food that says "may contain ___".
I was on a vacation with my son when I finished this no nonsense novel. I started these changes by drinking my coffee black. even though there was a gallon of milk sitting in my friend's fridge. My son doesn't drink milk either. Surprisingly enough, that was a change that was easy to adapt to.

I wouldn't call myself a strict Vegan. I'm not strictly Organic and I don't shop at Whole Foods religiously. I am not cautious and don't do my research when it comes to the makeup and shower needs I buy, I have also cheated and ate a box of honey bunches of oats and on my birthday my mom took me to a nice mexican restaurant. They had zero Vegan options. I had a cheat day then and ordered a beef and chicken burrito combo plate. After adapting to being Vegan for a while, the sour cream was too sour, the chicken and beef from the burritos were ridiculously greasy as was the cheese.
When I was little my family drove to Las Vegas. On the way we passed a slaughterhouse my brother called "Cowchwitz" where there was a horrible stench coming from the warehouse. Had I not been so naive and young I would have understood what was going on and went Vegan then. You never really know what's going on behind closed doors unless you see it for yourself.
Since becoming Vegan I have also felt healthier. I'm not as depressed, i'm more productive, I just feel lighter. I also have lost around 38lbs. since I changed my eating habits. That itself makes me feel much better. Sure it's not for everyone but it was a change I felt I had no choice but to make. When a book tells you that during an interview with a slaughterhouse employee that they chop off snouts of pigs and stick em in the butt with a broom handle just for fun, there's only so much you can tolerate. Also many lie and claim no animals are harmed when the treatment is beyond cruel.