Ghostly Ability
In my last post I indicated how at one point in time I was what they called a sensitive. I was slightly connected to the spirit dimension and could often feel the presence of spirits as well as hear and see them. It sounds like a lot of ka-ka but it's the truth. I would experience a lot of paranormal occurrences from seeing silhouettes to being attacked by evil entities. With the good always comes the bad. You really can't have one without the other.
The ability became overwhelming so I willed it away by ignoring the events and voices over a lengthy period of time. I forgot how helpful the spirits were and took the good ones for granted. You'd think that a silly notion, "Appreciate dead people?" It's like anyone else though, easy to be underappreciated and taken advantage of at any given time. Many think i've lost my marbles because of this ability, that's because they don't have it therefor don't understand what it's like.
As per my last entry. I had discovered that you can meditate and will your ability back and that was just what I did. I bought a clear-white Quartz Crystal for protection against evil entities that called out to me. I blessed it by clearing my mind and imagining evil and darkness out of it. It really isn't that difficult to do if you will it away and meditate on it. You have to believe it will work though.
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My Necklace |
So after blessing my necklace I put it on and started willing my ability back through meditation as suggested by a fellow woman of magic. I spent between five - ten minutes chanting "I will myself the ability to communicate with spirits" repetitively. I also repeated "I want to see spirits". Later that day I would constantly get cold chills which would mean one of two things. 1. I'm just cold at any given time. or 2. it also means their are spirits nearby. My hairs on my arms would stand on end and I would get goosebumps. When you are as familiar with the paranormal as I am, it's rather easy to decipher between the two.
Two days later I took the time to meditate on it again. Same chant phrases used. The second time after the chants I begun hearing them again. I didn't hear them speak to me directly but I was outside reading and heard twigs breaking and rustling like someone was there but when I looked there weren't any people or animals, I was all alone in the backyard side garden.
Cool things started to happen. I was showering in my parents' bathroom. The ceiling lights don't work, or so I thought. I flipped the switch over and over to no avail. I gave up, flipped on the vanity light and proceeded to shower. Midway through the ceiling lights flickered on by themselves. I thanked the spirit who did it. The next day, which would be now, I was on facebook. I got pms from 3 people in regards to a picture that was sent to them of my son and I sticking our tongues out at the camera, I thought it a little odd but assumed they were in response to a 'story' post. I later checked my story section and there were no posts.
I decided to check my phone. When I put it face down on the desk 30 minutes prior it was at the home screen. When I picked it up, it was at the multiple contact screen of facebook. That couldn't have been opened on accident because 1. it takes a few swipes and taps to get to that screen from the home screen and 2. I wasn't even holding my phone, it was face down on the desk a foot away from my arm reach.
The only logical explanation was that a spirit was controlling my phone. Since they chose a picture of my baby boy and I, It leads me to believe it was the spirit of a loved one who passed. Out of the people i've known in my life, three biological grandparents passed, a baby sister, and an adoptive grandparent. Makes me think someone wanted to show us off. Why they picked the three people they chose to send it to is a mystery to me.
It's exciting to know that my ability is reawakening. I just hope that with this crystal necklace I won't have to worry about negative energy
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