America United
Do you remember in elementary school we would do the morning preamble? It went something like this... "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" Where is the one nation under god anymore? we have been divided by politics. We're now the Trumpies and the snowflakes not the republicans or the democrats and it's sad to see the parties go at war with one another when we are meant to be united as the American people. What has happened to our nation? Crime is at an all time high and are liberties are being affected. Can't people just be mature and hold a civilized debate instead of jumping straight to the assumptions like "you must be a killary supporter" or "you must watch CNN" or insults like "you're just a hillary supporting snowflake" which is both an assumption and an insult but to be honest i'm still not sure what a snowflake even is other than a frozen raindrop that becomes fluffy and comes down in the winter.
I'll be honest here when people insult me I insult them back for self defense. But I also have friends who are republicans and we rarely talk politics because of how it divides people these days and brings out the worst in people. I've been seeing a lot of cruelty on yahoo news' political news posts and I just sit there reading the comments and replies just thinking "what is wrong with these people!?" I have one friend who's a republican always trying to make a point and tried to push his beliefs on me by sharing political posts on my timeline. I asked him as nice as I could to not continue to do that because of how politics rip people apart and I want no part in that. Also that it's not wrong to believe what you believe. It's almost like a new era religion. there's so many truths and falses in each party. Both sides are crooked in my opinion.
My personal standpoint? I didn't vote for Trump and I also wasn't crazy about Hillary. I'm in the middle of the road believing the same things as republicans and of the democrats. do I believe abortion should be legal? no. Unless it's from incest, rape, or the baby would die anyway whether or not aborted. Might as well put the poor baby out of it's pain. Do I believe in anti-LGBT? no. I couldn't be more supportive of the LGBT community and what they stand for. Most of them are amazing and strong. They can be funny and the nicest people you will ever meet in your lifetime and very accepting of everyone unless the hate is spread then they will retaliate.
I believe the government budget should go towards college education and to climate change science not to weapons for war. They should keep Obamacare as is because many people actually need it. They also should increase wages for active military. It's not fair that athletes get paid millions to play a game and our military struggle living paycheck to paycheck. They should not defund the VA either, Most of our military vets did not choose to join the military but were drafted and fought and risked their lives to save our freedom like my father and his brother who were marines in the Vietnam War in their 20's. The least the government can do is thank them by making sure they live as long of lives as possible. I say "no" to tax breaks for the wealthy. why don't you give the middle class one instead? They shouldn't defund the government medicaid programs either. A lot of people struggle to make ends meat with a low income. they can't afford health coverage too. I do agree however that anyone receiving any type of government assistance should be drug tested regularly.
As you can see here I am in the middle of the road. I am also mature unless insulted by someone that isn't in which case I will defend myself and sometimes in an immature manner. Want to start a debate? that's great, but keep the name calling out and keep it civilized. That's what America should be about.
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