Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Dental Misfortune

Dental Misfortune

I went to the dentist yesterday and it couldn't have gone any worse. They had to take measurements of my teeth and to do that they made me stretch my mouth open at different angles which hurt like a bitch and forced me to tears. Not only that but I was misinformed by my insurance company that they would pay the full expenses of getting what I needed done. Turns out they'll only pay if you have the stuff completed by the time you're 21 years old. I need a Motion Carrier which is a splint like device that realigns your jaw and corrects your overbite. I am also in need of wired braces. So since my insurance won't cover it, the dentist's office set up a payment plan of $135 a month with a $300 down payment when I get them done.

I had to cancel my pamper day so I could save that money for the down payment. I won't have all $300 until early August and I don't know how i'm going to pay $135 for the next 2 1/2 years. I'm praying I get approved for my SSI so I can pay it off much faster and this coming year's tax return will also be going toward getting this paid off. I didn't even want braces, I wanted the invisalign teeth straightening system. In my eyes braces are for teenagers, that it's like a milestone in your younger years. I'm 28 years old, i'm going to look very odd in braces. Alas it was the cheaper option so I suppose I don't have a choice anymore.

I do have the option of saying "screw that!" and not getting it done. In general i'm a very self conscious person and get anxious easily. I figured after all is said and done that this may build my self-esteem. I hate my overbite but at the same time not sure of how i'll look without it. I've grown accustomed to it since i've had it the whole time i've had my adult teeth. Also, I get excruciating jaw pain, jaw popping and headaches which the dentist said the Motion Carrier should cure and that it realigns your jaw rather quickly in about an 8 month timespan. The braces will take 18-24 months to straighten my teeth.

I hope that this will help my self-confidence improve and I also pray that i'll get my SSI to help me pay for this. I won't have any money to myself anymore after the first bill comes in. I'm lying to my father and told him the insurance is going to pay for it and asked my mom to please not tell him that I have to pay out of pocket so he won't yell at me. I'm already swimming in debt as it is. This just seemed to be the cherry on the top of a sundae.

Please pray for me that I get approved my SSI.

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