Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Amazing Mom

Amazing Mom

In the past I've complained a great deal about my mom. probably to an ungrateful bitch-like degree. The truth is she's actually pretty amazing. Sure she's got habits that drive me crazy and she is perfectly flawed as are any human beings. She has always been there when I needed her. To bail me out of sticky situations, to help me raise my son, financial turbulence, and making deals but that's mainly because she knows i'm good for it. This post is to explain, maybe in a bragging type way (sorry if it's snobbish) about how cool my mother really is.

In 2011 I reunited with my High School Sweetheart. We ran off to Arizona together which was a big mistake. Some time came and he started completely neglecting me to go hang out with a female friend. He never really spent time with me because there were other things he'd rather be doing. He destroyed my cell phone and my laptop during fights and was very immature and violent. No he never hit me but I was mentally and emotionally drained. I found out I was pregnant with my now six year old boy. My mother had sent me some money for food. The bastard ate most of my food damn well knowing I was pregnant. I finally got sick of his shit and left him. I begged my mother to go home and she paid for a bus ticket for me to leave. Thank you mom!

My mom don't see eye to eye most of the time when it comes to my son who has severe ADHD as well as Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Many times there is miscommunication and when I say "no" she says "yes" and often undermines my authority with him. Or tells me he's doing something regarding him instead of asking. She pretty much tries to take over constantly. The thing is, I'd be lost without her. She and my father give us a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, and clothes on our backs. She pays the bills with her and my father's retirement money so that while we spar over my son's upbringing, we can all live comfortably. Or as comfortably as we can get with three mothers in the household.

Often, I run into financial issues. messed up on my budget and couldn't afford all my bills because I thought I had more money than I did. Or the bank once royally fucked me. I over drew a dollar and they charged me over $200 in overdraft fees in a day. Guess what though? My mom leant me the money to stop the charges. Luckily though I complained to the bank the next day and they dropped the fees so I was able to return the money to my mom rather quickly. She's helped me on various overdraw accidents other times as well. Since then I have been better watching my spending.

My mom is awesome to make deals with. We went 50/50 on a bike for Christmas last year. It was her idea because she did the same with my sister. I also asked her if we could do a deal that I'd give her a down payment if she let me use a credit card on a Tablet and a couple accessories. Just so I could get it sooner than the end of the month. She agreed, and now I have an awesome new tablet. I already put it in my budget to pay her back at the end of the month. Thank goodness i'm reliable when I owe people money. It's to the point I worry and obsess constantly about it.

The moral of the story is: Your mother never stops looking out for you. When you're a baby, she cares for you, when you're a rebellious teenager, she still tries to have your best interest at heart. Even though you may not see it that way at the time. As an adult you realize her time is rapidly drawing closer and closer to an end and you begin to reflect on your life with her. You start to appreciate her regardless of the disagreements you have. I'm certain even in death she will be watching over you. Never take your mother for granted. Thank You Mom!

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