A Republican Geared Venting

I had a friend that completely pissed me off when it came to her political stances. Normally i'm not against Republicans and no i'm not saying they're all the same but in Trump World people are becoming absolutely ridiculous. They are very immature and say and do cruel things. The one thing that made me comment "spoken like a true Republican" is that she had the 'i'm right, you're wrong' attitude.
There is controversy over the 1949 Christmas/Winter classic titled 'Baby It's Cold Outside'. Some say it's against the 'Me Too' movement, other's say it's older and shouldn't be taken so literally. I told my "friend" that I can see both points of view. she offended me by telling me i'm wrong that there aren't two sides of the spectrum. Now I don't normally talk about politics with Republicans because it rarely ends well and oftentimes ruins friendships. The 'my thinking is the only right thinking' mentality pissed me off. It seems to be a trait among Trump supporters I've come to notice.
I see both sentiments on many things and can solve arguments most of the time because of it. I have a 'both points are valid points' attitude. This is why i'm neither Democrat nor Republican and I believe in God but don't practice any one religion or rarely disclose my faiths, or watch nationwide news, I prefer local news personally. First of all, I don't like to associate myself with anything that divides us as a people and a country. and secondly, I have some values of the Republican Party and some views of the Democratic Party. That is just who I am. But to tell me my views aren't valid triggers me as I suppose would trigger anyone and make them rather defensive in a situation.
I'm sure she called me a sensitive "snowflake" whatever the hell that means i'm still not sure. I personally think it's a stupid reference. We only communicated on Facebook and I stopped notifications associated with her posts and unfollowed her on social media. I suppose you'd say that was the "straw that broke the camel's back" for me.
Not to insinuate that all Republicans are bad, most of my biological family are Republican and they are like me, they don't start political debates. Sure they post political crap on their Facebook timelines, but I figure, their timeline their right. I can't tell them not to post. I'm also guilty of posting political memes but they're mainly Trump mocking pictures because of how idiotic he is. How any man or woman could vote for him is beyond me. He's immature, inhumane, incompetent, racist, sexist, etc. The list goes on damn near forever.
If you are a Republican and have the "only my ideals matter" fuck you! If you're a Republican who sees two sides to every story, Let's talk about the weather shall we? I don't mind having Republican friends as long as you don't say stupid shit like she did. RANT OVER.
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