Sunday, January 6, 2019

Rest & Relaxation

Rest & Relaxation

This past week has been good to me. I've been calling it my "mini vacation". Since my son has been on winter break that means I had been able to sleep in. My dad let my son sleep on our sectional couch with him so I pretty much had every night to myself. The problem is my sleeping pattern is all fucked up now and my son returns to school on Monday morning.

My normal wake up time since my last day of work has been between 11am and noon. Shitty right? I've been feeling extremely guilty when I wake up. I even tried setting an alarm for 9:30 in the mornings but I would just turn it off and hop back into bed.

Some of my R&R consists of reading and binge watching Supernatural on Netflix haha! I even did some shopping bought a five buck bluray/DVD/digital combo pack of Vin Deisel's Riddick today so who knows when I'll get around to watching that. God knows I have more movies to watch or books to read than could last a lifetime.

The job search has been slow moving. Of all the places I have applied to I only heard back from one of them. It's annoying, I have friends saying how they have an interview damn near weekly and I've got shit. How is it that they can secure a new job easy when they get bored with their old job and yet here I am, laid off, and not getting any nibbles? Yeah who wouldn't be kinda jealous about that? I'm just as deserving of security.

Enough complaining though I just have to keep letting God take the wheel on this one.

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