Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sleep Study

Sleep Study

I have been having various doctor appointments lately and 2 were for sleep. I have had many symptoms of having sleep apnea. Memory loss, gastric reflux, Depression, Exhaustion, and dry mouth. I went to a sleep doctor who referred me to a sleep study and a few weeks thereafter went for a sleep study. If you are unaware of what a sleep study entails, It's when you spend the night at a hospital or clinic and they monitor things such as your breathing and heart rate, whether or not you stop breathing in your sleep. Sometimes they end up putting a face mask on.

Well I went for a sleep study last Sunday carried over to early Monday morning. They told me if I stopped breathing they were going to put a CPAP machine mask on me. A CPAP is a machine that pushing air down your breathing passage while the pressure forces your trachea open to stop snoring and keep you breathing. Alas I did in fact need one.

I felt like a million bucks when they woke me up at six in the morning. I was a tad groggy at first but then the feeling was damn near indescribable. I had gone to the lobby for a cup of coffee at their little coffee stand and felt bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Normally 6 am is way too early for me to be getting up but that day I didn't really care to go back to sleep when I finally got home. I stayed awake and folded my laundry while watching a movie and continued to drink coffee I was happy when I got to greet my son and he told me "You need to go away again tonight so i can miss you again" My son can be the sweetest little or biggest stinker of a thing.

I now had to schedule another sleep doctor appointment for the results of the sleep study. To be honest, I hope I can get one of the CPAP machines to improve my sleeping quality. I was actually afraid to go to sleep Monday night because I knew I wouldn't wake up feeling that amazing again.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

To Bake Or Not To Bake?

To Bake Or Not To Bake?

Lately I've been obsessed with the urge to bake. I constantly look up recipes online and decided I was going to make Apple Crisp and possibly Corn Pudding for Thanksgiving. I also plan to make chocolate fudge and give some out as Christmas presents this year. I had once gotten into a phase of cooking and I remember cooking banana oat muffins but I ended up eating them all myself.

I really don't know what's gotten into me, I was going to the store with my mom the other day and a light flickered on over my head that I should cook something for Thanksgiving. I love Apple Crisp so I thought that might be fun. I also looked up recipes for Corn Pudding which is another dish I love. They're both rather simple to make too.

Last cooking phase there was an app I was crazy about which was called All Recipes. It's like a cooking and baking version of Pinterest. Users submit their own recipes for other members to try and you find cooking of all levels on there. I printed out some recipes to add to my mini cook notebook and hope to get them all cooked relatively soon. 

I already learned a few things that I somewhat memorized. I realized how easy Biscuits and Gravy really is to make. people seriously just buy the can, stick it on a sheet,bake it and then add the gravy which is ground beef, milk, flour, salt, and pepper. I guess gravy really is just a roux. I also learned how to turn in into a casserole. Will definitely have to make it the next time i'm not on a Vegan diet. I'm cheating come Thanksgiving haha!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Better Life

Better Life

As of late, life has been great. Both of my parents quit drinking, I got praise at work for doing a better job and putting more effort into work. My son has been super sweet and affectionate to me. Things have just been going well.

This weekend my father, mother, son, and I are all going to our vacation mobile home in Port Clinton, Ohio. She asked what special meals we should make there. I didn't really have any ideas that included her since she's a fish eating vegetarian. I threw Mussels and Tuna casserole out there as options. I'm going to take my book along to get some reading done. 

Ever since I confronted my mom about the favoritism in the house and backed it up with facts she's been a bit better at treating us equally for the most part.  Sure there's some problems here and there but isn't that just the way it goes?

I get away with a little more too like if i sleep in to 11 some days even though it's not intentional, i'm just always tired. I've accidentally eaten things people were going to use for something and don't get yelled at for it. I even get away with falling asleep on the couch or just going to my bedroom for a break from people.

My dad lays off me for the most part except for when I complain about my sister. for example, there's 25 programs being recorded on the DVR, Only 4 of those programs are mine yet i'm the one getting yelled at for the TV switching to recorded shows because of too many things recording at once. Need I mention that at those times, it's my recordings that get canceled? I find that very annoying. But that's probably the only thing that isn't all that pleasant in my life.