Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Healthy Changes

Healthy Changes

Image result for vegetables

There are things about my habits that need to change. For one I need to start exercising more. I've been trying to hit up the gym with my mother regularly and I just did some time on our household bike today. We have a membership to Planet Fitness and it's a great place with friendly staff. I need to get into the habit of maybe trying to work out every day.

I need to worry about what I put into my body so my whole family is going to be making changes to our diets with my father in mind. We're quitting drinking, eating healthier foods with maybe 1 cheat day weekly. My mother bought a juicer and it's awesome! We've been using that regularly as well. I'm also following up with doctors for routine care to keep my body healthy.

My toxic social relationships are out the door as well. My "best friend" who just can't be bothered with me most of the time is out of the picture now. I'm relieved because now I don't have to worry if she's okay when she doesn't respond to texts and I can just not care if I hear from her or not. After eight days of no text from her I got a random "I love you" text. stopped believing that bullshit eight days prior. I also cut off a guy I was talking to. He couldn't be bothered with me most of the time either. He texted me one day then the following day when I texted him, he'd read my texts and ignore me. Don't need that sort of bullshit in my life.

I'm working on my mind at well. Cutting the negativity out and trying hard not to fall into old habits, I take my medications every day and go to appointments with my psychologist monthly. I will even be starting therapy on Friday. to help with my mental health and frustrations. I need to get over my fears and anxiety.

I hope these changes will lead me to become a more stable person. fingers crossed for that anyway

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