Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Twiddle Dee Twiddle Dum

Twiddle Dee Twiddle Dum

The last couple of weeks have been twiddle my thumbs in boredom days. I occasionally ask my supervisor if there's anything I can work on and she comes up empty and mentions how she's the same way having absolutely nothing to work on. It's ironic, when I actually want to work there's nothing to do, when I don't want to do anything there's tons to get done.

This last week I've been spending my free time on Facebook, which may I add is about the whole 5 hour work day. I try to find other things of a personal nature to do like work on my budget and such but that never takes me long. it almost makes me wonder why come into work at all? They should just pay me to stay home instead of sitting at my desk doing nothing what-so-ever.

At least i'm in good spirits with the beautiful weather we are having today. It's actually going up to about 70 degrees today which is fantastic! I know it won't last but i'm cherishing it while it's here.

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