Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again

The other day I went to sleep at 10:00 PM, woke up at 12:30 PM, and was ready to go to sleep again by 2:00 PM. I don't believe it was depression because I didn't feel worthless or necessarily sad. Besides another symptom I was noticing was that my legs were starting to hurt again when I stood or walked at all.

Last time this happened I ended up being extremely anemic and had a three or four out of ten level on my blood count. That's extremely low and would make people bedridden. I was taught to suck it up but in the end it ended up being too much for me. I ended up in the hospital for a week while they ran tests to figure out where i was losing blood. They never did find out how it happened and i'm sure they won't this time either.

I just hate how this had to happen around Halloween. I take my son trick-or-treating every year since he was one year old. I loved doing it too. Kinda hard to go a long distance at walking door to door if it's excruciating to walk period. I couldn't go up stairs very well i could barely walk to bus stops for work without searing pain. Hopefully i'll be able to get this straightened out before then.

The thing that really sucks about this is that I may lose time at work. If I have to go to the hospital, i'll have to make up time at work for missed hours otherwise i won't get my money for those hours. It really sucks being on an independent contract here at work. I'm looking to fix that though maybe a new job hopefully at some point. I just hate how my legs feel and how tired I am all the time no matter how much coffee I drink.

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