Fur-Parents Are Parents Too!
My son, Fur-Daughter, and Myself |
So I see a lot of comments where pet owners are not parents. Why? Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs they're all like children, Aren't they? You have to bathe, feed, potty train them, give them lots of love and affection. They are very much like children if not more so. My puppy gets into everything and makes a mess wherever she goes, just like my son does. I have friends who would die for their pets. their pets are their babies. My "Pessa" is MY baby girl and I tell my son I have 2 babies. Him and her. so now when we all cuddle he says "mommy's two babies" He loves his fur-sister and always wants to be around her. So I'm having trouble seeing why pet owners like my friends and myself can't consider our pets our children or our "fur-babies". Everyone says dogs and cats are like children but they can't be "mommy's girl" or "daddy's boy"? That makes no sense. I say hell with it. If you have a pet you love with all your heart that you consider it a fur-child celebrate Mother's day or Father's day you ARE a parent to a child it just so happens to have paws and a tail instead of hands and feet. I consider myself lucky to be the mother of a person as well as a fur-baby. I love them both!
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