Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Internet Trolls and Goblins

Internet Trolls started back in forum threads. The science behind them is boredom and as they say "miserable loving company" I know many of you have come across these creatures. Since I began my blog I've come across a couple and they flood to Facebook. Were they unloved as a child? Maybe it is boredom, regardless they seem to be the most heartless species. Not even human to a point even though they look like us but their hearts tend to be so cold and they get off on insulting people and trying to expose them. I will admit they used to bother me a great deal but that was until I realized they are talking hot air. None of their insults make sense or even have a personal value to the cruel things they think up. They are best described as cyber bullies. Cyber bullying will always be out there. It will always be the top reason for teen suicide rates being high and some adults even end their own lives. You just have to remember that these words are meant to hurt you and rise above it. Seek support in a group, or with friends. You can run from the Trolls and Goblins but you can't hide from them. To the victims of Trolling and cyber bullying, you are not alone! Feel free to talk to me I've dealt with various bullying most of my life and I can help you.

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