Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Busy 4 Day Weekend

Busy 4 Day Weekend

This past weekend was extremely busy. Thanks to the Keurig in my bedroom, I had plenty of energy to get things done. Picked up toys, straightened up the kitchen, washed dishes, washed, folded, and put away laundry, organized my room a little and made both of the beds finally, I went through old clothes and I also did a bit of reading.

I did my makeup just about every day which was kind of fun and got dressed all cute. On Sunday I went to see my birth parents and had a nice dinner before going to see my little sister in the ICU. She was a bit more responsive but still not in great shape. It was nice for my birth parents to finally meet their grandson and they loved him and he loved them as well. I enjoyed our time spent as a family and hope to bring my son to see them again. My laptop also took a beating this weekend unfortunately. While refilling my Keurig, some water spilled onto the screen of my laptop and made it go bizerk!

On Monday I got some of my reading done and stayed up late to watch movies and clean up around the bedroom. My mom and I went to the store to buy some things for my son. and ultimately it was a day spent with my son watching The Peanut Gang movies. I barely paid any attention to my phone. Actually, he was on it most of the day come to think of it. I took showers every day which felt real good too. I made a technical support ticket for my laptop so it can be shipped off and repaired. That kind of sucked big time.

Tuesday my dad took me to get my bike but the day wasn't as eventful except for being able to see my son off on his first day of school and getting a nice amount of reading done as well as take things from the first floor up to my room and getting all my laundry folded and put away.

The nice thing about this morning was really my Keurig. I was able to start it up for a nice hot cup of coffee that brewed as I got dressed and ready to start my day. Didn't have to take any time waiting for it. Just stick a k-cup into it and let er' rip! Thing that sucks though is that the lights on my media player are shot so you can't tell if a cd is playing until you hear the music and can't see whether it's on repeat or not. I'm bummed about that because I didn't think to get a warranty on it. Other than that it works pretty well so no reason to trash it and get another just for the lights.

I'd say past weekend was a pretty good one. Now all I have to do is make up my hours this week because I can't afford to not get a full paycheck at any time anymore. blah!

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